Ecosystem based adaptation cbd book pdf

Ecosystembased adaptation eba is the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change cbd 2009. Ecosystem based adaptation eba is the management of ecosystems to enhance ecological structures and functions that are essential for ecosystems and people to adapt to multiple changes, including climate change. Highlights ecosystembased adaptation approaches have proved to be cost effective. Ecosystem based adaptation eba involves people using biodiversity and ecosystem services to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and promote sustainable development. Ecosystembased approaches to climate change adaptation. Ecosystembased approaches for climate change adaptation. It aims to maintain and increase resilience and reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems and people to the adverse effects of climate change. Ecosystembased adaptation eba encompasses a broad set of approaches to adapt to. Ecosystembased adaptation is a relatively new concept, which can be defined as the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt cbd 2009. According to the convention on biological diversity cbd, the ecosystem approach is a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way and which aspires to maintain the. The concept of an ecosystembased approach builds on the ecosystem approach.

Results showed that 49% of the adaptation projects were within the agricultural sector, with generally low budgetary consideration and mediumterm implementation duration. Draft principles and guidelines for integrating ecosystem. Ecosystem based adaptation, which integrates the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services into an overall adaptation strategy, can be costeffective and generate social, economic and cultural cobenefits and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. Cost and benefits of ecosystem based adaptation the case of the philippines saima pervaiz baig1, ali raza rizvi2, maria josella pangilinan3, rosalina palancatan4 contributors enrique nunez jr, alice ferrer and david hole for evaluating the cost effectiveness of ecosystem based adaptation actions for coastal protection. The most common definition of eba is provided by the convention of biological diversity cbd. Introduction to ecosystembased adaptation eba in the. Investments in the management, restoration and rehabilitation of ecosystems and their services are investments in the communities who depend on them. The type of nature based climate change adaptation work we implement can be termed ecosystem based adaptation or eba. Eba complement more expensive infrastructure investments to protect coastal settlements.

Ecosystembased adaptation offers new opportunities to build resilience. Iucn suggests using clear terminology in the negotiating text that is inline with the cbds definition of ecosystembased adaptation. However, the promotion of eba projects, by development agencies and conservation ngos, remains blurry as it has not yet been contrasted against. Ecosystembased adaptation eba is defined as a set of adaptation policies or. Eba identifies and implements a range of strategies for the management, conservation and restoration of ecosystems to provide services that enable people to. Unfccc paris agreement, nationally determined contributions, national adaptation plans and biodiversity conservation policies e.

Towards a strategy on climate change, ecosystem services. This book makes a case for ecosystembased adaptation by arguing that ecosystems and its services are critical in the climate change and disaster risk reduction fields. The initial response to the impacts of climate change in the caribbean by the conservancy has focused on adaptation rather than mitigation, with a realization that mitigation is needed for any adaptation solution to work. Definitions the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services bes as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change cbd, 2009. Harnessing the adaptive forces of nature is economically viable. A naturebased response to climate change global ecosystembased adaptation in mountains programme. In a terrestrial ecosystem, major producers are herbaceous and woody plants.

The role of ecosystem services in climate change adaptation. Highlights ecosystem based adaptation approaches have proved to be cost effective. You have r ead about the food chains and webs that exist in nature. The concept of an ecosystembased approach builds on the convention on biological diversitys cbd definition, stating that. Ecosystembased adaptation ecosystembased adaptation, which integrates the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services into an overall adaptation strategy, can be costeffective and generate social, economic and cultural cobenefits and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.

Ecosystembased adaptation eba is one such approach. Ecosystembased approaches to adaptation constitute a promising option for sustainable and efficient adaptation to climate change. Jun 12, 2019 the convention on biological diversity cbd cop cancun declaration on mainstreaming the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity for wellbeing indicates that the parties commit to promote the conservation, sustainable use, and where necessary, restoration of ecosystems as a basis for achieving good health cbd cop, 2016. Adapting to climate change one ecosystem at a time. Sustainable food production and water availability 2. Ecosystembased adaptation is the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. Nov 28, 2017 introduction to ecosystem based adaptation eba in the agricultural sectors. This definition was further introduction to ecosystembased adaptation. The guidelines adopted by the cbd build on these efforts and include a set of principles to. Ecosystembased adaptation eba is a naturebased solution that is gaining significant importance in the context of climate change e. Like community based adaptation cba it has people at its centre, and it uses participatory, culturally appropriate ways to address challenges, but there is a stronger.

Different definitions and examples of ecosystembased adaptation to climate change eba found in the literature. Ecosystembased approaches to adaptation eba and ecosystembased approaches to disaster risk reduction ecodrr enable people to adapt to the impacts of climate change by using opportunities created by sustainably managing, conserving and restoring ecosystems to provide ecosystem goods and services. This theme aims to collate work on ecosystem based adaptation by researchers and practitioners around the globe. Secretariat of the convention on biological diversity, montreal, 106 pages. The designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any. The initiative places clear emphasis on climate change mitigation, adaptation to. Cba comm unity based adaptation cbd convention on biodiversity cea cost effectiveness analysis. Like communitybased adaptation cba it has people at its centre, and it uses participatory, culturally appropriate ways to address challenges, but there is a stronger. Ecosystembased adaptation in practice ecosystembased adaptation involves a wide range of ecosystem management activities to increase resilience and reduce the vulnerability of people and the environment to climate. The designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do not.

Ecosystem based adaptation strategies include activities that conserve, restore or sustainably manage ecosystems to. The role of ecosystems in adaptation is wellrecognized at the international level, under the united nations framework convention on climate change unfccc, the convention on biological diversity cbd and the united nations convention to combat desertification unccd. Pdf synthesis report on experiences with ecosystembased. Ecosystembased adaptation community, environment and. Unfccc paris agreement, ndc, nap and biodiversity conservation policies e. Keywords ecosystem services climate change adaptation ecosystembased. Ecosystembased adaptation eba conservation gateway. The ecosystem approach is based on the application of appropriate scientific methodologies focused on levels of biological organization, which encompass the essential structure, processes, functions and interactions among organisms. Ecosystembased approaches to adaptation and mitigation bfn. The convention on biological diversitys ad hoc technical expert group on climate change and biodiversity has recently defined ecosystembased adaptation as the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. Ecosystem based adaptation is an approach of planning and implementing. Ecosystembased adaptation eba ecosystembased adaptation is the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. Context, approaches and lessons 22 november, 2017 scalingup adaptation in agricultural sectors saas ecosystem based adaptation eba in agriculture multiple benefits. Convention on biological diversity cbd as the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change cbd 2009.

Ecosystem based adaptation eba is the use of biodiversity and ecosystems to support communities to adapt to life in a less predictable climate system. The role of healthy ecosystems to contribute to climate change adaptation is being recognized. Ecosystembased adaptation eba involves people using biodiversity and ecosystem services to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and promote sustainable development. The convention on biological diversity cbd cop cancun declaration on mainstreaming the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity for wellbeing indicates that the parties commit to promote the conservation, sustainable use, and where necessary, restoration of ecosystems as a basis for achieving good health cbd cop, 2016. Framing ecosystem based adaptation to climate change iii preface coastal communities in many parts of asia are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with increased severity of extreme weather events directly affecting the lives of millions. Biodiversity and ecosystem services have been recognized as an integral part of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies as they can deliver benefits that increase peoples resilience to the impacts of climate change. Ecosystembased adaptation eba is defined as the integration of sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services into an overall adaptation strategy can be costeffective and generate that.

Ecosystembased adaptation in planning and decision making processes. The designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of. Operational framework for ecosystembased adaptation. Synthesis report on experiences with ecosystembased approaches. Ecosystembased adaptation projects, more than just. Assessment of the potential of ecosystembased approaches to. Ecosystembased adaptation eba is the use of biodiversity and ecosystems to support communities to adapt to life in a less predictable climate system. Strengthening and protecting ecosystems can be likened to a longterm investment. Ecosystembased adaptation eba is the management of ecosystems to enhance ecological structures and functions that are essential for ecosystems and people to adapt to multiple changes, including climate change. The green plant in the ecosystemterminology are called producers. Introduction to ecosystembased adaptation eba in the agricultural sectors. Communitybased adaptation cba, ecosystembased adaptation. During the course of work, the author received assistance from wider communities without which it would have not been possible to accomplish the task.

A natural response to climate change nathalie olsen and joshua bishop. Ecosystembased adaptation eba projects are increasingly flourishing throughout the globe on the grounds that eba constitutes a particularly communityfriendly solution for adaptation to climate change as it brings about an array of cobenefits. Ecosystem based approaches to climate adaptation urban prospects and barriers aarhus. Convention on biological diversity strategic plan 20112020, aichi targets. Secretariat of the convention on biological diversity world trade centre. Synthesis report on experiences with ecosystembased approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Ecosystembased adaptation strategies include activities that conserve, restore or sustainably manage ecosystems to.

Context, approaches and lessons 22 november, 2017 scalingup adaptation in agricultural sectors saas ecosystembased adaptation eba in agriculture multiple benefits. Pdf ecosystembased approaches to climate change adaptation. Lius presentation, ecosystem based adaptation, the great work of our time, that he presented at the brooklyn commons in new york on october 21st 2016. Ecosystembased adaptation in practice ecosystembased adaptation involves a wide range of ecosystem management activities to increase resilience and reduce the vulnerability of people and the environment to climate change. Results showed that 49% of the adaptation projects were within the agricultural sector, with generally low budgetary consideration and. Ecosystem based adaptation eba is a nature based method for climate change adaptation that can offer cost savings compared with other approaches, as well as additional benefits, such as the provision of wild foods, carbon sequestration and biodiversity. Investments in the management, restoration and rehabilitation of ecosystems and their services are investments in the communties who depend on them. In order to achieve the sustainable development goals, reach global biodiversity targets and effectively address climate change, naturebased solutions should be treated as integral to adaptation strategies at global, national and local levels. Assessment of the potential of ecosystembased approaches.

Ecosystembased adaptation community, environment and disaster risk management book 12 kindle edition by uy, noralene, shaw, rajib, noralene uy, rajib shaw. The bfnskripten are not available in book trade but can be downloaded in a pdf version from the internet. Change under the convention on biological diversity cbd, connecting biodiversity and climate change mitigation and adaptation. The separate issue of vulnerability of ecosystems and species to climate change. Ecosystembased adaptation eba as an adaptation strategy in. References to ecosystembased adaptation are included in the negotiating text and related documents are shown in annex 1. Ecosystembased adaptation eba as an adaptation strategy. This theme aims to collate work on ecosystembased adaptation by researchers and practitioners around the globe. Voluntary guidelines for the design and effective implementation of.

As well as providing climate change adaptation benefits, this approach also contributes to biodiversity conservation and enhances local economies. Ecosystembased adaptation eba is a naturebased solution that harnesses biodiversity and ecosystem services to reduce vulnerability and build resilience to climate change. Consequently, the monitoring and regulation of ecosystems need to be linked to a regular governance and institutional mechanism and be reflected in a more actionoriented agenda. We examined the ecosystem based adaptation eba concept based on thirty one sample projects from burkina faso and mali. Ecosystembased adaptation, as defined by the cbds ahteg4. Ecosystembased approaches to adaptation are understood as the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading ecosystembased adaptation community, environment and disaster risk management book. Ecosystembased approaches to climate change adaptation eba and disaster risk reduction ecodrr should consider principles that are core to adaptation and drr practice. Ali raza rizvi, programme manager, ecosystembased adaptation. Operational framework for cosystem based adaptation. Ecosystembased adaptation eba is the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change cbd 2nd.

Ecosystembased adaptation eba promotes conservation while alleviating poverty and removing ghg. The term ecosystembased adaptation is relatively new and needs to be better understood by the general public and especially by policymakers. Ecosystembased approaches to climate change adaptation eba local guidance acknowledgement the local ecosystembased approaches to climate change adaptation eba guidance would not have been possible without the invaluable efforts of many institutions, groups and individuals who contributed in various ways. Opportunities for using cli mate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

Ecosystembased adaptationeba is a naturebased solution that is gaining significant importance in the context of climate change e. One way to make the case for ecosystem based adaptation, in comparison to other adaptation activities, is from the economic perspective. Climate risk assessment for ecosystembased adaptation. Operational framework for ecosystem based adaptation implementing and mainstreaming ecosystem based adaptation responses in the greater mekong subregion. The designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the. This report presents a study of ecosystem based approaches to climate adap. Guidelines for ecosystembased approaches to climate. Ecosystembased adaptation, which integrates the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services into an overall adaptation strategy, can be costeffective and generate social, economic and cultural cobenefits and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. Convention on biological diversity defined ecosystembased approaches to climate change adaptation as the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people adapt to the adverse. Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction have several areas of overlap, both in practice and in principle.

As further elaborated by decision x33 on climate change and biodiversity, this definition also. Cbd 2009 i introduction and institutional background people worldwide depend on functioning ecosystems and. Eba is a peoplefocused approach ecosystem based adaptation differs from business as usual. Ecosystembased approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction also. Ecosystembased adaptation is defined by the convention on biological diversity cbd as the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. Demonstrating ecosystembased adaptation clinton foundation. As stated by the convention on biological diversity cbd, ecosystembased adaptation to climate change eba sets the sustainable management, conservation and restoration of ecosystems as corner stone of an overall adaptation strategy that takes into account the multiple social, economic and cultural cobenefits for local communities. Eba uses biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of a larger adaptation strategy an excellent example of a viable naturebased solution. Ecosystembased approaches for climate change adaptation and. Ecosystembased adaptation eba is a naturebased method for climate change adaptation that can offer cost savings compared with other approaches, as well as additional benefits, such as the provision of wild foods, carbon sequestration and biodiversity. Eba is not adaptation for ecosystems, although it may have a conservation benefit. Likewise, primary producers in an aquatic ecosystem are various species like phytoplankton, algae and higher plants.